Star Party Animals or The Alien Craw -- First Blood Part 12 . . . The Final Chapter, Revisited (1988)

DeRux's best known role by far was as the demented Capt. Smirk of the starship Real Beater in 1988's Star Party Animals or The Alien Craw -- First Blood Part 12 . . . The Final Chapter, Revisited, the first movie produced by DeRux and Darnell's Double D/Twin Towers Productions. SPATACFBP12TFCR featured DeRux's demented score, a blatant rip off of the frat party classic, Louie, Louie. (Ensuing litigation was dropped after the opposing lawyer found the head of a parakeet in his sushi.)

Star Party Animals, the first DeRux vehicle to feature a recognizable plot, follows the exploits of a crew of misfits as they seek out strange new worlds to boldly party on. DeRux's Capt. Smirk is the spoiled scion of a galactic fertilizer dynasty who, after washing out of the Galactic Starfighters Academy, has been given a ship by his father and asked to go away. And go away he does -- to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, in search of new pleasures. Darnell appears as the voluptuous, snarling communications officer, Katrina Krusher. Hoodeet is the Alien Glozixx, navigational officer and cook; Capt. Copycoldcocker is Science Officer Rodmann; and newcomer Zack makes his debut as Medical Officer Vampire of the Eagles.

The Real Beater crew visits several worlds, including an amusing turn on Luggage World, which showcases a bravura (but uncredited) performance by Dean DeDream as Pedro, the luggage-meister. Somehow, Darnell and DeRux manage to work in a favorite theme -- dinosaurs -- during a corny sojourn on a world that looks suspiciously like somebody's back yard. The sets are cheesy, the dialog barely audible, and the acting, especially DeRux's, is over the top, but somehow, DeRux's prodigious appetites notwithstanding, the movie enjoyed a successful release. "Well, actually," said DeRux at the time, "it wasn't so much released as it escaped."


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